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It's Good to be Back!

Updated: Nov 28, 2023

Ever had that “It’s good to be back” feeling? Lately, it’s been one that has followed me without fear that it will go away any time soon. To explain might take a bit, but I hope you will stick around to find out what I mean, and by the end, you will be rejoicing with me about how God has truly done a miracle in my life.

A lot more than my look has changed in the past 5 years. I am now married, a homeowner, and working full-time as an associate Evangelist with Global Harvest Ministries International. What some of you may not know is the behind-the-scenes rollercoaster that has taken place amid all these changes.

You may remember that in 2018 the Lord spoke to me about leaving Portland Bible College and heading to Arua, Uganda where I would manage Global Harvest Ministries' local programs, aid in pastoring in a local church and live on the front lines of the missions field. I wish I could tell you that it was a smooth trip, but despite the good work done and the programs implemented while there (that are still running and making an impact to this day), it was a hard trip filled with unexpected battles. I found myself face-to-face with witchcraft curses, threats of violence and many unique challenges that so often follow front-line ministry.

When I came home for a break at Christmas after 6 months on the missions field, I fell violently sick and my plans to go back to Africa were dashed as I faced numerous doctors looking for answers. This turned into 5 years of barely hanging on. I faced daily chronic nausea, chronic pain, and the hopelessness that often tries to settle on us when we experience such difficult physical symptoms. Even with medication, I would vomit multiple times a day, often so bad that I would bleed from the force and rupture the blood vessels around my eyes, giving me that freshly punched look that I so often rocked during those tumultuous times. Most of my days were spent in, or running to the bathroom, my joints aching so badly that often I would be hobbling to get where I was going. I felt entombed by my body, tossed back and forth by the tumultuous waves of horrendous nausea, and questioning how I would ever be able to be faithful to the call of God on my life while battling my body.

On the medical side, the doctors gave me every test, scope and pill, all to little effect. The tests always came back inconclusive, with some kind of caveat like “It seems like we just caught the tail end of an infection, but nothing significant stood out to us.” Most of the medicine they gave did little to help me manage and my life stagnated in a consistent barrage of rushing to the bathroom to be sick, refusing meals, consistent pain, and an inability to maintain a healthy life, let alone carry a workload.

It was during this time, in what I can only describe as a miracle, that God gave me a brief 3 weeks of symptom management in which, through the height of Covid, I met my incredible wife, and we began to fall in love. The brief pause was enough for Zoe to see that God had a plan for us to be together and as my health began to digress once again, she stood by my side, a constant support in what was still a long journey with no end in sight. We got married about a year and a half into dating and our first year of marriage was littered with days where I couldn’t get out of bed, ER visits and being treated in the hospital about once a month.

December 2022 to August 2023 were particularly hard months and my health waned to the point that I had to take a temporary health leave from work. I was basically bedridden. My future looked uncertain with disability looming over my head. The call of God on my life was not forgotten nor had it waned from the forefront of my mind. Each day brought a new cry to God. I was not living in sin, nor had I wavered in my desperation for God. Each day I was digging into God’s word and spiritually I felt in a better place than ever. It was my body that wouldn’t cooperate with what I felt so strongly within.

On August 8th, 2023, a day I won't soon forget, I attended special services with Evangelist Ted Shuttlesworth, a family friend from the States who knew I was struggling, but knew none of the details. At the beginning of his altar ministry that night, he called me forward and told me that the Lord had assigned him to pray and fast for my healing before these services. The Lord gave him Words of Knowledge about my situation and the daily struggles that I had been facing, recounting nausea, chronic pain, and swelling that would often cause the left side of my head by my temple to become puffy and tender to the touch. The Lord even revealed to him that on top of the joint issues I had been facing, the enemy was attempting to limit the proper movement of my legs–-something I had been quite fearful about but dared not tell anyone for fear of allowing any further foothold into my health. After this, he told me that tonight the Lord would set me free. Immediately I began to sob and my spirit leapt inside me knowing that this 5-year-long horror was coming to an end.

Brother Ted told me I was dealing with a spiritual issue that had latched on to attack the ministry that God had called me to and, as he prayed for me, I felt a heaviness lift off me as Jesus touched me deeply. As I write this, I am approaching 100 days of being completely set free. From that night forward I haven’t had any nausea, pain, swelling or joint issues. Even the heaviness and despair from being sick for so long have lifted like a fog facing the bright morning sun. Each day I thank God for the amazing miracle that He has done in my life. My wife says I am like a new man, and we are grateful to be able to walk out our newlywed season in health together.

I don’t pretend to have all the answers as to why I had to suffer for so long. Those questions have melted away in the face of the joy that I am experiencing each day I am healthy. Every day that I get to be back working for the ministry, participating in partnership at home, and living a regular, healthy lifestyle, I thank God for His miraculous work. It is in the joy and experience of this healing that I am confident that the years the enemy has stolen will be repaid 7-fold.

I am looking forward to getting back to the pulpit preaching, looking expectantly to many visits to the missions field and confident that God has a beautiful purpose and plan for accelerated years of ministry ahead. I believe the Lord has equipped me to reach into hopeless situations and show the same demonstrations of Jesus' love that He showed me in mine.  I am currently in the process of revamping this website to accurately reflect my new look, the new excitement of ministry that the Lord is calling me to and allowing this to be a more functional hub for ministry, bookings and sharing what the Lord has placed on my heart.

If you have a hopeless situation, take hope. God isn’t done with you yet! If you are dealing with chronic issues that seem like they may never go away–hear me now–Jesus can intervene in a moment.  Like me, you too can truly and finally say, “It's good to be back!”


Zac Davy is an Associate Evangelist and Project Execution Manager with Global Harvest Ministries International. Having grown up in ministry and spending unique seasons of his life in the missions field, Zac brings a unique perspective and highlights deep truths when ministering in churches, at conferences or to youth. Zac is passionate about seeing lives touched and transformed by the power of Christ. He flows in the gifts of the Spirit and the prophetic frequently in altar ministry and has seen many healings. To connect with Zac about speaking at an upcoming event please click here.



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About Zac


The last few years have been a whirlwind of new - as a new husband, new dog dad and embarking on a new journey of full-time evangelism, we love experiencing God's grace together as each new journey draws us closer to him.

As a child of parents in full-time missionary evangelism, traveling across North America and into North Africa and the Middle East, I have had amazing opportunities to serve, learn, and preach. Through these opportunities, I received my personal call to ministry and have had it confirmed time and time again.

I am passionate about reaching the lost and leading the next generation into a personal encounter with the Holy Spirit. I value an honest, arms wide open, love till it hurts, ‘Jesus-like’ life, and am passionately pursuing it. I work as an Associate Evangelist with Global Harvest Ministries International and travel extensively throughout North America, and beyond, ministering and raising funds to continue our mass evangelism efforts and numerous soul-winning outreaches like empowering impoverished women through skills training, and hands-on prison ministry, Bible College training, church planting, missions teams and much more.

I have travelled 23 nations, managing cross-cultural teams, working in partnership in advising local ministry leaders and working extensively in humanitarian situations. I have earned my associate degree in Christian Humanities, am a certified Life Coach and have years of ministry experience that have helped shape who I am. As a lifelong learner, I am currently pursuing further education while working in full-time ministry.

My wife Zoe is an Associate Pastor at Parkway Church in Corunna, ON. Zoe and I enjoy the privilege of serving in ministry together. In our downtime, you can find us trying new recipes and doting on our poodle Pepper, bengal Duma and parrotlet Santiago!


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